The 5 most common STIs in detail
Gonorrhea, also known as the clap, isn’t fun to spell, and it’s definitely not fun to have. Find out more about this scarily common STI and what signs to look out for.
What is Gonorrhea?
Gonorrhea is one of the most commonly diagnosed STIs. It’s caused by bacteria called gonococcus.
How is Gonorrhea spread?
It’s very easily transmitted through oral, vaginal, or anal sex, but also manually or even sex toys.
What’s the worst that can happen?
If untreated there can be chronic infections in the genital organs, which can lead to infertility.
What are the symptoms?
Most people have symptoms within a few days. For men, expect
pain or swelling in one testicle
foul-smelling and milky discharge and
dripping from the urethra
pain or burning during the urination
Are there different symptoms for women? Yes! 50% of women actually don’t experience symptoms. Those who do suffer from the frequent need to urinate and pain when doing so, as well as foul-smelling discharge.
Can Gonorrhea be treated?
It can. Gonorrhea can be treated and healed with antibiotics.
The takeaway
Gonorrhea isn’t fun and can be tricky to catch. Use condoms to reduce your risk of contamination, and make sure to test regularly to completely rule it out. Doctors advise to get tested every 3 – 6 months if you are sexually active.
With REMI, you can save your time and money and get the results for the five most frequently diagnosed STIs including Gonorrhea without leaving your house.